Urban Climate Change – Reports and Articles

ಅಡಚಣೆಗಾಗಿ ವಿಷಾಧಿಸುತ್ತೇವೆ Karnataka State action Plan on Climate Change 

The Karnataka State Action Plan on Climate Change discusses climate trends, projected vulnerabilities, adaptation and mitigation priorities. It includes a review of policies and programmes for possible mainstreaming of climate change. The report covers the key sectors in detail, including agriculture, animal husbandry, water resources, biodiversity, forestry, coastal zones, urbanisation and health. The document concludes with an action plan comprising about 200 actions, 31 of which have been identified as priorities.

Bengaluru’s climate change history and lessons to learn 

A short background of Bengaluru’s climate and historic landscape changes, published in Citizen Matters.

Karnataka state action plan on climate change


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Karnataka state climate action plan

Author: Bangalore Climate Change Initiative (BCCI) Karnataka
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Analysis on Karnataka’s action plan on climate change

Author:Anu Jogesh and Navroz Dubash, Centre for policy research (CPR) Delhi
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Recommendations to state action plan on climate change

Author: Karnataka state pollution control board (KSPCB), Shankar Sharma
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